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Qigong and tai chi seminars


Standing Energy Postures

This practice enables you to become aware of, balance and integrate your body structures, fluids flows, energy flows and awareness. As you rediscover your body's natural buoyancy and connection, you can release excessive holding in the nerves, muslces and breathing, your fluids and energy relax and flow more fully and strongly and you feel become more open, comfortable, balanced, and as everything comes to work together and easily, naturally strong.

The process becomes progressively deeper over time. You are guided to feel more and more deeply inside your body, right down to the organs, joints and spine, which enables you to release the tension in, re-balance and open the deepest aspects of your body and energy.

Standing Energy Postures are the primary and most direct technique in the internal arts (including the internal martial arts) for developing your energy, power and strength, on the basis of balance and relaxation. 

This practice is particularly beneficial if:

  • You suffer from chronic conditions and / or low energy
  • You really want to supercharge your energy, strength and performance for sports, dance, martial arts or any other reason;
  • You suffer from hip, knee or ankle problems or back problems
  • You wish to strengthen and integrate the core of your body, including the spine
  • You want to learn T'ai Chi or any internal martial art
  • You have an interest in seeing how far the Internal Arts might take you;
  • You want to extend the work you’re doing on releasing your nervous system and stilling your mind that you have begun with Whole Body Breathing into standing and moving practises

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